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Home Insurance Brokers

Things you should know when getting a home insurance broker

Getting home insurance is not only expensive but also a bit complicated. This is because different carriers hold different policies with several benefits to picking from; making it hard to decide which one is the right one for our house.

Of course, policies also vary when it comes to your conditions and the ones on your property. Here in Pembroke Insurance, we want to help you get the quotation that really suits your necessities that’s why it’s important that you prepare this basic information.

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The information you need to provide to your home insurance broker

About the house

Even though some cases may need to refer other details, the general information you need to prepare bout your house is:

  • Year of the building.
  • Year of purchase.
  • If there’s a mortgage and who’s the lender
  • If there’s a second mortgage and who’s the lender
  • Square footage of the living area
  • Roof type and age of the roof.
  • Homestyle
  • Floor type
  • Exterior material
  • If there’re kitchen finishes
  • If there’re bath finishes
  • Extra features as swimming pool, playhouse, etc.
  • Service systems and their age (plumber, electrical, septic swelling, etc)
  • If there’s any supplemental heating system (number and fuel source)
  • Protective devices, age, and provider (smoke detector, carbon monoxide detector, alarm system, security system, etc)

About the residents

  • If you already have some coverage.
  • An estimated price for rebuilding your home so you don’t get underinsurance.
  • How long you’ve lived in the house.
  • If there's any smoker.
  • If you run a business from home and which one
  • Are there non-related people living in the house?
  • Dogs, number, and breeds
  • Exotic pets.
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About previous coverage

  • If you already have homeowner insurance
  • If you ever had home insurance (company, policy number and expiration date)
  • Auto insurance and company

Once you’ve provided all this information, our experts in Pembroke Insurance will determine if you need our Standard Quotations or if there’re some special needs that would make it better with Non-Standard cover.


Pembroke’s standard insurance


Before getting you the standard insurance, you must know that here at Pembroke we provide impartial assistance and information you might need about quotations and every aspect of Household cover. Besides that, we offer a really affordable standard policy that will not only be adapted to your home’s needs but will also provide the best coverage available for the minimum possible price. Actually, if you’re looking for reasonable pricing, you should be happy to know you can insure your home with us for €500.000 in building sum and €100.000 on the content sum. Sound interesting, right?

Pembroke’s non-standard coverage

If your house and lifestyle require some special needs, we Home Insurance Brokers also offer a non-standard policy for special cases such as pre-1900 buildings, or homes under course construction with a great experience on a dedicated market that will make your process of insurance easier than with any other broker or company. As this kind of quotation includes several details, we’re happy to say we can provide excellent assistant with specialists that will help you find the right coverage for your special case.